Bathroom Remodeling
One of our most popular estimates, kitchen remodels are a focal point of the industry. Clear Estimates provides our customers with a breadth of options to meet all kinds of customer needs. All of this with pricing to your specific area.
A Focus on Options
Utilizing the Clear Estimates database you’ll find over 12,000 different items. Of that, a great portion is allocated to kitchen remodeling. You’ll find all scopes of work necessary to complete your estimate, as well as multiple different options (price points) to fit your customer’s needs.
Database of Pricing: Material and Labor
Clear Estimates provides remodeling specific pricing through our partner company, RemodelMAX. This pricing applies to both material and labor. You’ll use this data to create your kitchen remodel estimates. You’re also welcome to use your own pricing!
Template Suggestions
Let Clear Estimates do most of the work using our templates. Templates allow you to enter the Square Footage of the kitchen, and with one click provide you with a rough estimate based on the grade (Average, Economy, Premium). This is for both remodels and new kitchens.
Professional Looking Estimates
Every estimate is ‘one click’ away. We provide our customers with the ability to turn their estimates into professional-looking documents with one click. All of the text generated for you, with your company logo at the top and signature box at the bottom.
JEP Contracting is a top rated design & general contracting firm, focusing on insurance renovations and custom homes. In this brand new Video Case Study, Patrick from JEP tells us how Clear Estimates makes estimating easy – and mobile!