
Handyman Work: Fall Checklist

October 12, 2018

Handyman Work: Fall Checklist

Although Clear Estimates was built for remodelers, by remodelers, we also provide a great tool for handymen across the United States. We have an entire database of Handyman specific tasks, focusing on the different nature of the work. Handymen, don't worry, we'll always provide useful content for you, too!

Fall is a great time for you to start promoting your Winterize package, a list of items you complete for a homeowner in fall, to prep for winter. Among those tasks are popular things like gutter cleaning and preparing lawns/gardens for winter. You can also offer a furnace check to make sure the home will be properly heated all through winter. Your winterize package is a great way to collect new business that every homeowner needs. Since handymen focus on smaller jobs, it's the quantity that counts. You want to be the go-to service for this kind of work because, well, everyone needs it! It’s a great package of easy items that pays pretty well. A complete list of possible tasks could include:

  • Gutter cleaning
  • Lawn maintenance, prepare gardens for freeze
  • Store outdoor furniture
  • Hang lights
  • Test alarms, fire and carbon monoxide (upgrade if needed)
  • Winterize entryways (plates, weather stripping)
  • Furnace check

Canvass this service and send out newsletters to all of your leads. We’re not kidding when we say this is something every homeowner typically has done. Take advantage of these easy tasks. First off, get a flyer ready. You can do something simple in Word or Powerpoint. Have that flyer canvassed out by a helper to all your local neighborhoods. For emails, create a unique template, something light and fun. Throw a pumpkin on it for good measure. Fall is an exciting time as holidays loom around the corner. Homeowners should be ready to solicit your services. Most importantly, do a good job. Remember that word spreads like brush on fire. It won't be long before you're going to need more than 24 hours in a day.

Thanks for reading!

Alex Krull
Alex Krull