
New Support Articles Posted on Popular Topics

Our Software
August 2, 2017

Hi Everyone,

We just posted three new support articles.

Many of our clients use QuickBooks for their accounting needs. The QuickBooks article will walk you through the exporting and importing process for both estimates and customer information. You can send this information one customer at a time, placing it in your QuickBooks database.

Importing parts is very popular for those looking to customize their database. This article will go in depth on importing your own parts. It will give you an import example to base your own import off of. This is a great way to bulk import your own line items. We hope this article makes your import process as smooth as possible.

Allowances are popular in estimates and are actually pretty easy to create in Clear Estimates. This quick overview will show you how to create an allowance by using our Custom Line Item feature.

As always, our ultimate goal is to make estimating easier for you. Please let us know if you would like to see articles made on any other topics.

Alex Krull
Alex Krull